Area Churches
“Faith is like WiFi. It’s invisible, but it has the power to connect you to what you need.” -Anonymous
Foundry Methodist Church Pastor Aaron Withrow 620-617-8700 https://www.foundrymethodistchurch.org/
Pastor Jay Beuoy – Grace Community Church (620) 792-7814 https://www.gracegreatbend.org/ https://www.facebook.com/GraceGreatBend/
Pastor Jon Hembree - Community Christian Church 620-792-8215 http://www.communitychristiangb.com/
Pastor Sandy Kennedy - Faith Community Church 620-793-8084 http://www.faith4greatbend.com/ https://www.facebook.com/Faith4GreatBend/?modal=admin_todo_tour
Pastor Buzz Birney 620.564.2158 http://livelikejesustoday.com/
Pastor Dwight Dozier - 1st Assembly of God (620) 792-5211http://www.1st-assembly.com/ https://www.facebook.com/1stassembly
Leroy Keith - 1st Baptist Church (620) 792-3894 https://www.facebook.com/pages/First-Baptist-Church/113336188699165
Pastores Mario y Betty Aviles – Iglesia de La Cosecha 620-514-0388 https://www.facebook.com/Diosesfiel2018/
If we missed a church that would like to be linked, please marketing@greatbend.org. We would be happy to add your church to the list!